
Clarksville Veterans Quilt

This quilt was created through a grant for the TN Arts Commission. It was a collaborative project between APSU and Clarksville-Montgomery County Library.

This quilt was made with APSU’s Goldsmith Press and Rare Type Collection at Austin Peay State University.

Veterans Quilt

Olen Bryant Sculptures

Created in the late 1950s, “Man” stands 7’ high and is made of wood and elm.

“Monument to Madame Balzac,” created in 1980, stands 59.5” high and is made from wood and catalpa. 

Olen Bryant sculpture

Patterns of Progress

This sculpture, by Tom Malone, was donated to the library by Charles Foust, Charlsie Malone Halliburton, and Charles E Malone.

Made from materials found at the Clarksville Foundry & Machine Work, Tom’s sculpture is a historical memento of Clarksville-Montgomery County’s industrial heritage. 

Patterns of Progress

Malone Shell Collection

This collection was donated by Dr. and Mrs. Franklin Jefferson Malone.

The collection contains 91 species of sea shells and 30 species of marine life. 

Malone shell collection

Boehm Birds

This porcelain collection was a gift to the library from Pat Henry and Francis Cross. The birds were created by Edward Marshall Boehm (pronounced “Beam”).  All of these were designed at the Boehm studios, and decorated and fired by a staff of artists for the most part trained by Boehm himself.

Many of his bird figures were derived from captured, live specimens at the Boehm aviary and gardens on the Delaware River.

Boehm birds

Stained Glass Windows

In 1986, Dr. Edwin Irwin commissioned Lorene Hutcheson, a local stained glass artist, to design and craft a window for the library that said “Knowledge.” In 1988, James T. Mann commissioned Hutcheson to create two more windows, “Community” and “Friends,” in memory of his father, James P. Mann.

These three stained glass windows reveal the central theme for the library – a place where knowledge, community, and friends come together.


Stained glass

Jacqueline and Ned Crouch Collection*

This collection, donated by Jacqueline and Ned Crouch, is an assortment of art works from various artists across the world. For a more detailed description of the works in this collection, see Notes on Artists in the Collection.


Jacqueline and Ned Crouch collection


Created in 1983 by local artist Tom Rice, these limestone birds were hand-sculptured using chisels, rasps, files, and sandpaper. This work was commissioned by the Friends of the Library to beautify the entryway of the library.