Friends of the Library

Purpose of Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library is a non-profit organization of people working together to support our library.  People who love books and learning, and love spending time with others who have similar passions.  Generally, Friends support the library in one of two ways:

  • They volunteer their ideas, time, and talent.
  • They make a monetary contribution.

Click here for the Friends of the Library Bylaws.      

Click here for the Friends of the Library Open Meetings Statement.                                          

Benefits of Becoming a "Friend"

  • Members have a special preview night at the annual book sales.
  • Members receive newsletters and flyers that update them on the monthly book clubs and activities going on at the library.
  • Members have the opportunity to become a part of a group of citizens dedicated to the growth of the Public Library.

Don't miss the 2025 Spring Used Book Sale!

50th Anniversary of Friends of the Library


If you are looking for books for sale now, please feel free to check out The Booktique. For the latest, most up-to-date information, please follow us on Facebook.     


The Booktique       

Did you know your library has its own little bookshop? The Booktique is open year-round and has a variety of books, DVDs, and even video games-- all for $1! The Booktique is also frequently restocked with new items. Please feel free to stop by and check it out during library operating hours. 

How Has "Friends" Supported Your Library?

With your support, Friends of the Library regularly funds prizes, performers, and supplies for the adult and youth summer reading programs, prizes and supplies for the Touch-A-Truck event, supplies for adult programming, and donations to CMCPL and the Imagination Library. Friends of the Library also helps support the popular November 4th Sci-Fi Expo, the Noon Year's Eve event, library outreach to schools, youth holiday programming, teen & tween lock-in programs, and more! Friends of the Library also sponsors receptions and special occasions for the library staff. In the past, Friends of the Library has purchased stained glass windows, folding tables for the library, and many other pieces of furniture and equipment. Friends of the Library also regularly buys books and videos for the library.

Click here for the 2024 Friends of the Library Annual Report.

Annual Membership Types


Defined as a single membership.

FAMILY - $10

Defined as all family members living in the same household.

PATRON - $25 and TYLER - $50 

The patron and Tyler categories are intended to recognize contributions exceeding those of individual and family memberships.

GRACEY -$100, SMITH -$250, HUGHES -$500

The Gracey, Smith, and Hughes categories are intended to recognize contributions exceeding those of individual, family, patron, and Tyler memberships. For any donations in the Gracey, Smith, and Hughes categories, two books will be presented to the Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library in honor of the donor or the donor's designee.

How to Join

Joining Friends of the Library has never been easier.  You have the option to print out the following form, fill it out, and send it to the library (be sure to indicate your membership type and send your dues with your application). Or, you can stop by the Library and we will be happy to process your membership.

Please Remit to:  Friends of the Library, 350 Pageant Lane, Suite 501, Clarksville, TN  37040

Do you have any further questions, would like to learn more, or have some great ideas? Please feel free to message the Friends at [email protected]