
Share your feedback and help keep Montgomery County’s water clean for future generations!

From August 15, 2024 to September 15, 2024, Montgomery County residents can share their thoughts about the Stormwater Program.

  • Information about the Stormwater program is displayed on the site you are currently visiting (https://mcgtn.org/stormwater).
  • If you would like to provide feedback about any element of the program, you can email your comments to [email protected].
  • All comments about the program will be passed to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation as part of the 2024 MS4 Permit annual report.

Your feedback gives us the opportunity to improve our program. We look forward to hearing from you!

What is Stormwater?

Stormwater is the runoff that flows over land during and immediately after a rain event. When stormwater flows over urbanized areas, pollutants such as petroleum products, antifreeze, fertilizers, pesticides, animal wastes, and trash are carried to local streams and rivers. These pollutants can stay in the environment for long periods of time.

How Montgomery County is Managing Stormwater

On February 12, 2024, the Montgomery County Commission adopted The Montgomery County Stormwater Regulations (Resolution #24-2-2), This resolution set the county regulations for:

  • Construction site Stormwater runoff control in areas of new development and re-development
  • Post-construction Stormwater management in areas of new development and re-development
  • An illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) program
  • County operation pollution prevention and good housekeeping procedures
  • Public education and outreach on Stormwater impacts
  • Public Involvement / Participation

Illicit Discharges and Dumping

The Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Program limits what can be discharged into the environment. Any non-Stormwater discharge that is not specifically allowed is considered an illicit discharge. Illicit discharges may be reported by calling 931-648-5718. 

Dumping outside of authorized landfills and convenience centers is illegal. Dumping may be reported by calling 911.

How You Can Help

  • Dispose of household chemicals, paint, cleaning products, fertilizers, and pesticides properly. Pouring these hazardous substances down a storm drain, onto the ground or into a stream creates a danger to all the citizens of the county, as well as the environment. The Bi-County Solid Waste Management regularly sets collection dates and times for household hazardous waste. For more information call 931-648-5751
  • When using fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, mixing instructions should be carefully followed. The application of these chemicals should follow manufacturer recommendations for safe use and should be based on actual need as determined by testing. Use the least toxic product possible for each application. Avoid over-application, application to impervious areas, or application to irrigated or automatically watered areas to prevent these products from washing into stormwater drains, groundwater or surface water. Never mix products to save time.
  • Pet waste left on the ground gets carried away by Stormwater, contributing harmful bacteria, parasites, and viruses to our rivers and streams. Please clean up after your pet.
  • Vehicle fluids such as oil, gas, and antifreeze are the #1 surface water quality problems nationwide. All vehicle fluids are toxic and extremely harmful to the environment. Recycle used oil in a clean, sealed, plastic container.
  • Yard waste such as grass clippings, tree trimmings, and leaves can be composted and used for fertilizer around the yard. Do not dump yard waste in a storm drain or store it where stormwater can wash it into the storm drain system.
  • Street litter such as Styrofoam, plastic, and paper can be kept out of our streams and rivers by keeping trash bins covered and by not littering.
  • SWEEP! Hosing off pavements washes pollutants into storm drains that lead straight to the river.