Welcome to EMA

In case of emergency, dial 911.

Interested in learning about and getting involved with our natural disaster emergency action plan?

Click anywhere on this banner for information on the Public Mitigation Plan meetings that are happening in January 23rd and 24th, 2025.





Montgomery County Emergency Management Agency is the managing agency to coordinate response to natural and man made disasters within the borders of Montgomery County Tennessee. We are active in the four phases of the emergency management cycle:


Mitigation is defined as taking sustained actions to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from hazards and their effects. Montgomery County has a fully accredited Hazard Mitigation Plan which provides a hazard analysis and risk assessment for Montgomery County and the City of Clarksville


Preparedness includes plans or other preparations made to save lives and facilitate response and recovery operations. The major measures of preparedness include the development of an Emergency Operations Plan; recruiting, assigning, and training staff; identifying resources and supplies, and designating facilities for emergency use.


Response encompasses all activities taken to save lives and reduce damage from a disaster or other event. This includes providing emergency assistance to victims, restoring critical infrastructure, and ensuring continuity of critical services. This involves putting our preparedness plans into action.


The goal of the Recovery phase is to return the community’s systems and activities to normal. This phase may last anywhere from just a few days to several years. Long-term recovery includes restoring economic activity and rebuilding community facilities and housing.