About the Library

Public Library building

Library Board    Strategic Plan    Library History     Patron Code Of Conduct


The Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library opens doors to engage, inspire and empower our diverse community to prepare for an ever-changing future.


To be a welcoming, innovative and engaging hub for our community where all are welcomed, learning is championed, lives are enriched and every story is valued.

Values Statement

Our shared values are:

1. We are community-centered and welcoming to all.

2. We actively listen, respond and are accountable to our diverse community.

3. We champion everyone’s right to privacy and intellectual freedom.

4. We are innovative and future-focused.

5. We are fully invested in our community and promote the public good.

Brand Promise

Information - Technology - Community


Administrative Staff

Library Director     

Christina Riedel 

[email protected]     

(931) 648-8826, ext 21402


Assistant Library Director     

Gracie Armstrong 

[email protected]     

(931) 648-8826, ext 21400