Fraud Prevention & Claims Predators

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Beware of Claims Sharks
and Pension Poachers

Veterans are prime targets for scammers, fraudsters, and dishonest companies looking to exploit their benefits. These bad actors—often referred to as claims sharks, or pension poachers—can cause significant financial harm and stress to veterans and their families. It's crucial to recognize these threats and take steps to protect yourself.

Claims sharks and pension poachers prey on veterans by offering to help with VA claims for a fee, often promising faster or better results. These individuals may not be accredited by the VA and can mislead veterans into filing claims they don’t qualify for, leading to denied claims or legal issues. Pension poaching is a rapidly evolving tactic used to defraud elderly veterans, survivors, and their families.

Fraud and predatory practices often involve attempts to deceive veterans into providing personal information, such as Social Security numbers or VA claim numbers, which can be used to steal their identity, redirect benefits, or commit other financial fraud. Predators may use high-pressure tactics to convince veterans to sign contracts or pay for unnecessary or ineffective services, leading to significant financial loss and emotional distress.

The VA is dedicated to safeguarding your benefits by employing advanced fraud prevention techniques, educating you about fraudulent activities, and sharing ways to protect yourself and fellow veterans from these schemes.

A message from the Former Secretary...

Steps to Protect Yourself

Verify Accreditation

Before working with anyone offering to assist with your VA benefits, always verify that they are accredited by the VA. You can check their accreditation status on the VA's Office of General Counsel website using the link below. This step helps ensure you're working with a trusted and reliable source.

Office of General Counsel's Accreditation Search

Guard Your Information

Only share your personal, financial, or benefits information with trusted and verified individuals or organizations. Always ensure that the person or organization you're dealing with is legitimate and secure. Click the link to discover more tips on safeguarding your personal information and data from fraud.

How to Protect Your Personal Information and Data

Avoid Pressure Tactics

Be cautious of anyone pressuring you into making quick decisions about your benefits. Take your time to think things through carefully. Reputable organizations will give you the space to make informed decisions without rushing. Read more at the link below to learn about the warning signs.

Red Flags: How to Spot a Predator

Explore Free Help First

Many valuable services are available at no cost through the VA or veteran organizations, including accredited representatives and VSOs. Always explore these free options before paying for assistance. Utilizing these resources can save you money and ensure you're getting reliable and trustworthy help.

Find a VA accredited representative or VSO

If You Suspect Fraud

If you believe you've been a victim of fraud or predatory practices, or if you suspect someone is attempting to defraud you, take action immediately and notify the VA at 1-800-827-1000 or VSAFE:

Report suspected fraud!
Call VSAFE Fraud Hotline at 1-833-388-7233

Doing Our Part to Protect Local Veterans

At MCVSO, we are committed to safeguarding the benefits and personal information of our veterans. We implement strict security measures to protect veterans' data and ensure the integrity of the claims process. Here's how we are doing our part:

  • Verifying Identities: We require valid identification for every appointment to confirm the identity of veterans and their dependents. This helps us ensure that we are assisting the right individuals and prevents unauthorized access to sensitive information.
  • Security Questions: To add an extra layer of security, we ask specific security questions related to your claims or benefits. These questions help verify your identity and protect your personal information from unauthorized access.
  • In-Person Signatures & Documentation: We require in-person signatures and documentation unless otherwise pre-screened and authorized by an accredited VSO. This practice ensures that veterans are directly involved in their claims process and prevents fraudulent activity.
  • Educating Veterans: We regularly educate our veterans about the importance of protecting their personal information and recognizing potential fraud. By keeping our community informed, we empower veterans to take control of their security.
  • Strict Privacy Practices: We adhere to strict privacy practices and handle all personal information with the highest level of confidentiality. Our team is trained to follow protocols that safeguard your data at every step of the process.

Through these actions, we strive to provide a secure environment for all our veterans, ensuring that they receive the reliable and safe assistance they deserve. We are committed to protecting our local veteran community from fraud and unauthorized activity.