Databases by Title
0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Academic OneFile (GALE)
Academic OneFile is the premier source for peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources. With extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects
Agriculture Collection (GALE)
Comprised of nearly 200 titles, researchers will have access to current and authoritative content that spans the industry -- from practical aspects of farming to cutting edge scientific research in horticulture.
Ancestry Plus Library Edition
Features over 200 billion images in more than 7,000 unique databases via a library edition of the popular website
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Books & Authors (GALE)
Combining over 140,000 titles, 50,000 authors, and thousands of read-alike, award winner and librarian's favorites lists, Books & Authors helps bring readers and literature together.
Business Economics & Theory (GALE)
With a strong emphasis on titles covered in the EconLit database, this collection provides academic journals and magazines focusing on topics in economics.
Business Insights: Essentials
Research the competition! Find business and financial information on companies and industries from around the world. Includes SWOT reports and comparison tools.
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Chronicling America
A Library of Congress/National Endowment for the Humanities project, providing access to information about historic newspapers and select digitized newspaper pages. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville and the Tennessee State Library and Archives have partnered on the project to provide a selection of Tennessee’s newspapers. This first phase of the project has focused on the Civil War and Reconstruction eras. Contains issues of the Clarksville Chronicle from 1855 to 1875. To access only Tennessee newspapers within Chronicling America, click here.
Communications and Mass Media Collection (GALE)
This collection provides current and accurate information from more than 100 journals focused on all aspects of the communications field. Key subjects covered include: advertising and public relations, literature and writing, linguistics, and many more.
Criminal Justice Collection (GALE)
Whether studying to become a lawyer or law enforcement officer, paralegal, or for a career in Homeland Security, this collection rises to the challenge. Users will have access to 150 journals.
Culinary Arts Collection (GALE)
The Culinary Arts collection includes 150 of the major cooking and nutrition magazines. Coverage includes thousands of searchable recipes, restaurant reviews, and industry information.
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Diversity Studies Collection (GALE)
A must-have for social science, history and liberal arts coursework, this collection explores cultural differences, contributions and influences in our global community.
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Educator’s Reference Complete(GALE)
Included content focuses on educational principles, child development and psychology, and best practices in education. Majority of the full-text titles included are also found in the ERIC database. The database is updated daily and provides 24-hour access from school or home.
Environmental Studies & Policy Collection (GALE)
A collection of over 800 journals and 6 subject specific Delmar reference titles provide robust coverage of environmental issues and policies, including diverse perspectives from the scientific community, governmental policy makers, as well as corporate interests.
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Fine Arts & Music Collection (GALE)
With more than 100 full-text magazines and journals covered in databases such as the Wilson Art Index and RILM, this collection will provide your students with resources to support research in areas such as drama, music, art history, and filmmaking.
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GALE in Context: Elementary School Edition (GALE)
GALE Elementary is a database developed especially for beginning researchers in Kindergarten through Grade 5. This database covers geography, current events, the arts, science, health, people, government, history, sports and more.
GALE In Context: High School Edition (GALE)
Covers a broad range of topics, people, places, and events in an engaging online experience to help students with papers, projects, and presentations that reinforce development of academic and 21st-century learning skills like critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity and innovation.
GALE in Context: Middle School Edition (GALE)
This periodical database is designed for students in junior high and middle school with access to a variety of indexed and full-text magazines, newspapers and reference books for information on current events, the arts, science, popular culture, health, people, government, history, sports and more.
Gale Virtual Reference Library(GALE)
A database of encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research. These reference materials once were accessible only in the library, but now you can access them online from the library or remotely 24/7.
Gardening, Landscaping, and Horticulture Collection (GALE)
A fertile and growing collection, this collection includes content relating to both the practical aspects as well as the scientific theory of horticulture studies.
General Business File ASAP (GALE)
Analyze company performance and activity, industry events and trends as well as the latest in management, economics and politics. Access to a combination of broker research reports, trade publications, newspapers, journals and directory listings with full text and images available.
General OneFile (GALE)
News and periodical articles on a wide range of topics: business, computers, current events, economics, education, environmental issues, health care, hobbies, humanities, law, literature and art, politics, science, social science, sports, technology, and many general interest topics.
General Science Collection (GALE)
Millions of articles from over 1,600 magazines, journals and reference materials on all aspects of the sciences.
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Health & Wellness Resource Center and Alternative Health Module (GALE)
Provides instant access to carefully compiled and trusted medical reference materials. Includes nearly 400 health/medical journals, hundreds of pamphlets, over 700 health-related videos from partner Healthology, Inc., and articles from 2,200 general interest publications in addition to a broad collection of Gale reference titles. Material contained in this Resource Center is intended for informational purposes only.
Health Reference Center Academic (GALE)
Multi-source database provides access to the full text of nursing and allied health journals, plus the wide variety of personal health information sources in InfoTrac's award-winning Health Reference Center. This database is intended for informational purposes only.
Heritage Quest
A comprehensive database of American genealogical sources—rich in unique primary sources, local and family histories, and finding aids. Start to discover the amazing “history of you” with this essential collection of genealogical and historical sources—with coverage dating back to the 1700s—that can help people find their ancestors and discover a place’s past.
Home Improvement Collection (GALE)
This collection includes such topics as architectural techniques, tool and material selection, zoning requirements, and many more.
Hospitality, Tourism & Leisure Collection (GALE)
With current and relevant content from over 500 industry journals, this collection provides well-rounded coverage of both the historical and current state of affairs in the hospitality and tourism field, while also allowing for focused study of specialized aspects of the industry - including cultural aspects of travel, leisure activities, economic aspects of tourism, and more.
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Informe (GALE)
Una colección de revistas hispánicas con textos completos. Abarca negocios, salud, tecnología, cultura, temas de actualidad y otras materias.
Insurance & Liability Collection (GALE)
This collection, comprised of nearly 40 journals, takes a broad view of the insurance and liability industry, covering such topics as labor relations, mortgage banking, legal issues, and more.
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Leaf Chronicle and Tennessean Archives (2002-current)
Covers The Leaf Chronicle Archives (2002-current) and The Tennessean Archives (2002-current)
The Leaf-Chronicle Newspaper Portal (1819-current) Only available inside the library Covers the historical Leaf-Chronicle from 1819 to current, portions of Leaf-Chronicle Weekly, Clarksville Weekly Chronicle, Clarksville Patriot and other select historical newspapers.
Tennessee State Library & Archives Education Outreach
Explore primary sources, lesson plans, and other educational tools designed for social studies teachers and students. Content is organized by both historical eras and Tennessee social studies content standards.
LitFinder ( From in the library or From home )
LitFinder is Gale’s premier resource for full-text literary works, including poems, short stories, novels, essays, plays and speeches.
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Military & Intelligence Collection (GALE)
Over 10 million articles (80% full-text) from more than 500 titles and basic reference materials. The content in this database is also part of InfoTrac One File.
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National Newspaper Index (GALE)
National Newspaper Index provides quick access to the indexing of America's top five newspapers in one seamless search: The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor, Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post
Nursing and Allied Health Collection (GALE)
All aspects of the Nursing profession -- from direct patient care to health care administration -- are covered in this collection. Including nearly 400 titles, this collection's current and authoritative content will be of use to both professionals already working in the field as well as students pursuing a nursing-focused curriculum.
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Opposing Viewpoints in Context (GALE)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information and opinions on hundreds of today's hottest social issues. Drawing on the acclaimed Greenhaven Press series, the solution features continuously updated viewpoints, topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.
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Pop Culture Collection (GALE)
This collection provides useful information for any researcher in a social science, history, art or liberal arts course. This collection is made up of 100 subject-appropriate full-text periodicals.
Popular Magazines (GALE)
This database is 100% full text and includes titles like Consumer Reports, Time, National Geographic, The New Yorker, Newsweek, Vanity Fair, US News and World Report, Vogue, Fortune, Business Week, National Review, Cosmopolitan, NPR and even Oprah.
Psychology Collection (GALE)
This set explores what makes people "tick" from childhood to death. This collection gives individuals a basic understanding of the study of the mind, emotions and how the human mind develops -- and diminishes -- over time. Your library's users will have instant access to 200 subject-appropriate full-text periodicals.
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Access thousands of best-selling and classic ebooks and audiobooks that are now compatible with the iPod®, iPhone™, iPod touch®, Kindle, Nook, Android devices, iPod nano®, as well as the Zune® and thousands of other MP3 players and e-readers.
Religion & Philosophy Collection (GALE)
Articles from more than 250 magazines and Journals on religion, philosophy, archaeology, and anthropology, and covers the impact of religion on culture. Many articles are full-text. The content in this database is also part of InfoTrac Onefile.
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Small Business Resource Center
Get answers to how-to questions about starting and running your own business. Find sample business plans, articles from business magazines and e-books on management.
TEL (Tennessee Electronic Library)
The Tennessee Electronic Library (TEL) is a virtual library that you can access from your home pc, your school library computer lab, or your iPhone – anywhere with an internet connection. TEL provides access to over 400,000 electronic resources, including magazines, scholarly journals, podcasts, videos, e-books, test preparation materials, federal census records, Tennessee primary source materials, and more!
Tel4U (Tennshare)
A Universe of Free Resources for Grades K-5. It provides links to trusted, free online resources. Includes a galaxy ofeBooks, homework helpers, games and activities brought to you by the Tennessee Electronic Library.
Testing and Education Reference Center
Use this database to search thousands of college and graduate school entries. Identify scholarships that meet financial needs. Take online practice tests and use test prep eBooks to obtain education goals.
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US History Collection (GALE)
This collection of over 40 journals provides balanced coverage of both the current thought and events in US History, as well as scholarly work being established in the field; useful both to the novice historian and to the advanced academic researcher
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Vocations, Careers & Technical Education (GALE)
Providing content from nearly 400 journals, this collection provides content from general career guides to highly specialized industry journals.
Volunteer Voices
Volunteer Voices provides access to digitalized primary sources documenting the history and culture of Tennessee.
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War & Terrorism Collection (GALE)
A definitive collection for students of history, social science and current events, providing insight into conflicts and their multiple causes. References include 100 subject-appropriate full-text periodicals.
World Book Online Based on the World Book Encyclopedia, the site features rich multimedia, a collection of age-appropriate science fair projects, a Biography Center, etc.
World History Collection (GALE)
This collection of over 40 journals provides balanced coverage of both the current thought and events in World History, as well as scholarly work being established in the field; useful both to the novice historian and to the advanced academic researcher.
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