Becoming Certified
Any organization that has a physical location within Montgomery County can become certified. We have a mix of large industrial businesses, small offices, schools, and municipal departments within the Program. Your organization may have existing sustainability measures, have goals in place or you might not know where or how to start. No matter where you are, the Program is here to help and recognize your efforts as environmental stewards for our community.
Step 1: Submit the Program application
Step 2: Attend training to learn about the challenges facing our community, recycling 101, energy efficiency tips and tricks, steps to preparing your environmental plan, and how to set SMART goals. The classes may be completed as in-person workshops (at least one), virtually, or at your facility. Training is taught by the Program Manager and local environmental professionals.
Step 3: Work one-on-one with the Program Manager to determine a sustainability goal that you want to pursue. This will be specific to your organization and could be anything from removing Styrofoam in your breakroom to energizing your vehicle fleet. Whatever goal you are interested in achieving we will work to assist.
Step 4: Track your progress toward your goal for six months. By tracking your goal, you become familiar with identifying the benefits of sustainability and you demonstrate commitment to continuing to work toward future goals. If your organization has already completed sustainability initiatives before the Program your tracking time may be reduced and/or eliminated.
Step 5: Complete the Green Certification Level Spreadsheet. The spreadsheet awards points for each sustainable practice you do. The amount of points you earn determines your certification level (Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum). You can resubmit the spreadsheet every two years to obtain a higher level.
Step 6: BECOME CERTIFIED! The Program will hold a green ribbon cutting at your facility to celebrate your success. You will also receive a certification plaque and door stickers.
After you are certified, you are eligible to compete in the annual awards and the yearly UPCYCLE Challenge. Your organization will need to recertify every two years to stay current with your certification.