Courts & Process Division
The Courts & Process Division of the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office fulfills the statutory duties of the Sheriff by ensuring order in the courts, executing and serving all civil warrants and court process and serving arrest warrants issued by judicial commissioners and the courts. To accomplish these duties, the Courts & Process Division is divided into four units: Civil Process, Criminal Warrants, Court Bailiffs, and Court Security.
Civil Process is responsible for processing, executing, serving, and returning all civil warrants and other court processes and orders. It is also the duty of Civil Process to escort funeral processions. Annually, Civil Process attempts service on more than 24,000 civil warrants, more than 10,000 subpoenas, more than 8,000 executions, garnishments, and levies, escorts over 200 funeral processions, and drives more than 101,000 miles to complete this job. Civil Process is commanded by one Sergeant and is staffed by six deputy sheriffs.
FEES FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS (effective July 1, 2024)
Per Tenn Code Annotated 8-21-901(1)(A)(i)
Service in person by Sheriff’s Department (per defendant) | $52.00 |
Service to attach property (execution, Bank levy or writ) | $52.00 |
For collecting money to satisfy a judgement, whether by execution, fieri facias, garnishment or other process, in civil cases each time collection is attempted | $42.00 |
We accept Money Orders and Cashier’s checks made out the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office. Attorneys can pay fees with business accounts checks. No personal checks accepted. Incorrect payment will be returned without service. Any questions contact the Civil Process section at 931-648-0611 ext 13116.
Mail should be addressed to:
Montgomery County Sheriff's Office
Attn: Civil Process
120 Commerce Street
Clarksville, TN 37040
Court Bailiffs maintain order in the courts by assisting judges in the security and operations of the court. These services are provided in every level of the court system, including General Sessions Court, Juvenile Court, Circuit Court, Chancery Court, and a Grand Jury. Almost 135,000 matters are heard in the court system on an annual basis, over 100,000 of which are heard in General Sessions Court alone. These deputy sheriffs are responsible for opening and closing court and preparing the Judge’s bench on a daily basis. They post and file the daily dockets and ensure proper handling of trial evidence, and they are also responsible for transporting and providing security for sequestered juries. One Sergeant and fifteen deputy sheriffs make up the Court Bailiffs unit.
Court Security assists in maintaining order in the courts by providing security in the Montgomery County Court Complex, including the hallways, offices, probation area, courtrooms, inmate holding areas, and at various meetings and proceedings that take place. They ensure security by checking all persons who enter the Courts Complex by X-ray scanner, physical searches, inspecting packages, purses, and briefcases, and monitoring security cameras and the building’s alarm systems. These deputy sheriffs also provide similar security services at the Historic Courthouse for meetings of the Montgomery County Board of Commissioners. Court security consists of seven deputy sheriffs who are commanded by the Civil Process and Criminal Warrants Sergeant. This unit ensures the safety more than 19,000 citizens who utilize the court system every year.
Criminal Warrants Section is staffed with a sergeant and deputies who are tasked with accepting the delivery of arrest warrants, reviewing them for completion and legality. Deputy Sheriffs assigned to this unit process and attempt to locate, by any information available, the named defendant. They may also assist United States Marshals Fugitive Force and other federal, state and local agencies with warrant service. Those defendants who are successfully located are arrested and delivered to the Montgomery County Jail for booking and intake. This section is also responsible for performing transports and inmate extraditions. Annually, this section serves over 6,000 warrants.
The Montgomery County Sheriff's Department maintains an Online Warrant Information database. You can check to see if you or someone else has an active arrest warrant issued out of any Montgomery County Court. Only adult, criminal defendant warrants are listed in this database. The information provided may be up to 24 hours old at any given time.
Anyone with information on the location of a wanted person is encouraged to use the anonymous link on the public inquiry warrant search page.
Tennessee State Law requires the registration and annual or quarterly report of sexual offenders. Violation of this is a felony with mandatory jail sentences and minimum fines established. Please visit the Montgomery County Sex Offender Registry page to obtain more information.