Law Enforcement Explorers Program
Explorer Academy Graduation, Class of 2023
MCSO Explorers conducting PT at the Summer Academy
Explorer Bree conducting Traffic Stop scenarios
Explorers at the Firing RangeProgram Information
The Law Enforcement Explorers program for Post #600 is sponsored by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, under the direction of Sheriff John Fuson. The Sheriff provides support to the program by designating experienced law enforcement officers as advisors to youth explorers so that they may learn more about the law enforcement profession. These advisors also work to educate and mentor these youth to be better leaders and contribute to their community. Post #600, a law enforcement post, relies heavily on positive role modeling, experience, and commitment, to educate those explorers who may have an interest in a profession in law enforcement or criminal justice. The program was started over a decade ago under former Sheriff Norman Lewis, and continues to receive support from Sheriff John Fuson, Sheriff’s office administration, and the Montgomery County community.
Fund Raising and Community Activity
The explorers of Post #600 attempt to be an active part of the Montgomery County community. Part of this is to spearhead fund raising activities to support our Winterfest Competition and also to cover costs for equipment and incidentals during training. However, many of our current and past activities allow us to volunteer our time and be a part of our community. It provides guidance to our explorers and allows them to interact with members of the community and set a positive example to other youth. Our current and past activities include; Community Awareness Day, Barksdale Fall Festival, Riverfest, Bubba 5K Run, Relay for Life, Wags and Wings, Annual Pancake Breakfast, and the Christmas Parade.
The explorers of Post #600 have an opportunity to compete with other explorers annually at the Winterfest competition in Pigeon Forge, TN. This affords explorers the opportunity to network with other groups, meet other youth, and test their knowledge and capabilities. Explorers can compete in numerous available activities during this competition. These include; Firearms Competition, Physical Fitness Challenge, Active Shooter Scenarios, Law Enforcement Knowledge Testing, DUI and Felony Traffic Stops, Domestic Assault Response, Interview and Interrogation, Sports Activities, and many more …
Explorer Summer Academy
Each summer explorers are invited to participate in the summer training academy. This is a 80 hour training course, Monday-Friday, over a 2 week period. Explorers participate in physical fitness, classroom education, and scenario based hands-on training. This is designed to mimic a police academy and has had positive feedback from all attendees.
Youth interested in the Law Enforcement Explorer program are welcome to attend meetings and activities for a 90-day probationary period. They must meet policy standards for membership which includes academic as well as behavioral requirements. Those completing the 90-day probationary period may be fully chartered into the program by completed the Learning for Life chartering application.
Meeting Times and Locations
Explorers meet regularly on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Start time for the meetings is at 5:30 PM. Times may be adjusted on occasion due to holidays or other similar situations. Meeting Locations can vary depending on the training topic. Some training locations used are; Sheriff’s Office 2nd Floor Training Room CMCSS Schools, Activity Fields, and Campuses Specialized Facilities, such as the Jail, Emergency Operation Center, and Firing Range.
Additional Information
If you have additional questions you may contact: