MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Tenn. – The Montgomery County Health Council (MCHC) recently completed a comprehensive update to its Mental Health Directory. In August 2019, the Montgomery County Health Council published its first Mental Health Directory, created by a team of council members and Austin Peay State University interns. The directory listed mental health resources in the community, including information on hours, provided services, and accepted insurance plans. Since then, the Health Council has recognized that the biggest problem with having a directory is that the information often changes by the time it’s published. So, this past year, they’ve worked to create a directory that can be updated and corrected more timely.
The Health Council found that FindHelp.Org was the best online site to meet this need. To access the site, type in your zip code and click the search button. The toolbar has a menu of categories, and Mental Health is under the Health category.
If your clinic or organization is not listed or you wish to update your services, you can add your organization and edit your services by clicking “Claim Programs’ at the bottom of the screen on the website. Here’s the link to Claim Programs.
Find Help.Org Can Also Connect You to Other Community Resources
Along with helping people find mental health providers and services, Find Help can also help connect people to organizations that help with housing, finding a dentist, marriage counseling, childcare, food pantries, specialty health care, etc. Council members have worked to raise awareness of how the everyday stressors of being disconnected from community resources threaten our physical and emotional security.
“Think of water dripping from a downspout onto a concrete block. Over time, we start to see a weathering effect. Human beings are very similar,” said Joey Smith, Public Health Director of Montgomery County. “Most days, we are well-adjusted and demonstrate resiliency to the stress from our needs not being met. But over time, like water dripping onto a concrete surface, these stressors also have a weathering effect on our health,” said Smith.
The MCHC intends to have hard copies of the directory at the library and with other partners.
The MCHC is a volunteer organization that promotes health and wellness in the community. Members meet at noon on the third Tuesday of each month on the second floor of the Montgomery County Health Department.
If you or anyone else is in a mental health crisis, call or text 988.
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