MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Tenn. – The Recovery Court Division of the Montgomery County Adult Probation Department held a graduation ceremony on July 24 to recognize 19 Recovery Court graduates. Together they accomplished nearly 8,000 sober days and completed almost 700 hours of community service.
Following words of encouragement from Judge Sharon Massey Grimes of the 19th Judicial District, County Mayor Wes Golden, and City Mayor Joe Pitts, keynote speaker Dr. Stephen Loyd an Internal Medicine/Addiction Medicine Physician, shared highlights about his own journey to recovery with the graduates, participants, and supporters and discussed this importance of overcoming trauma. He praised the recovery treatment court teams and their dedication to helping the people they serve.
“The people who work in recovery court programs are special. They do not do these jobs for the money, they do it because they care about people,” said Loyd.
He encouraged participants to get the holistic help they may need to keep them from relapsing or hurting themselves.
“Drug treatment changed my life. Trauma treatment saved my life,” Loyd said. “We use because of what’s going on inside of us. Reach out and ask for help. Any one of these people will be there for you. Take it to God and you will get even better,” he added
Dr. Loyd has served as an expert witness in more than 20 federal and state cases against physicians who improperly prescribed controlled substances and was named an Advocate for Action by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), an office of the President of the United States. He has delivered more than 500 educational lectures about addiction and prescribing controlled substances and worked as an Addiction Medicine Physician in inpatient and outpatient settings, specializing in caring for opioid-dependent pregnant women.
In addition to serving on multiple drug courts in Tennessee, Loyd is Vice-President of the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee appointed him as Chair of the Tennessee Opioid Abatement Council and served as Assistant Commissioner (Opioid Czar) for Substance Abuse Services with the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services during Governor Bill Haslam’s administration. Dr. Loyd’s story inspired Michael Keaton’s character in the Emmy Award-winning series Dopesick.
Judge Grimes congratulated the graduates, thanked the Recovery Court Team members for their work, and shared her gratitude for the continued support from the County and City mayors, and law enforcement.
The Montgomery County Adult Recovery Court Program is a voluntary court overseen by Judge Grimes. It is offered through the courts for residents involved in the criminal justice system with alcohol and/or other drug offenses. Participation in the program includes rigorous supervision, assistance accessing treatment, and aid with job placement to help participants successfully recover from addiction.
The Recovery Court Team is a diverse group of professionals who work with community partners to support participants and their family members. The court offers two tracks and is funded partially under a grant contract with the State of Tennessee, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, and by participant fees and donations.
For more information on the Adult Recovery Court Program, call 931-648-8702.
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Caption for Recovery Group Supporter Photo:
Captain Liane Wilson, Director Sherry Robertson, Judge Sharon Massey Grimes, Coordinator Cynthia Richards, Doctor Steven Loyd, Program Specialist Akira Brooks, Probation Officer Robin Yeager, Treatment Provider