Election Summary Report EMS 2/5/2008 08:29:38   Montgomery County, Tennessee Presidential Preference Primary Election Date: 2/5/2008 A- # OF  Absentee and Early Votes 7608 NUMBER OF PRECINCTS: 28 E- # OF  Election Day Votes 14944 # OF PRECINCTS REPORTED: 28 0 P- # OF  Provisional Ballots # OF PRECINCTS NOT REPORTED: 0 22552  PUBLIC COUNT: # OF PRECINCTS INCOMPLETE: 0 28.73%  VOTER TURNOUT: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - VOTES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A E P TOTAL %      
VOTES= 12,952       (D) Presidential Candidates VOTE FOR 1
11 15 0 26 0.20% JOE BIDEN
2527 4167 0 6694 51.68% HILLARY CLINTON
0 4 0 4 0.03% CHRIS DODD
469 93 0 562 4.34% JOHN EDWARDS
6 3 0 9 0.07% MIKE GRAVEL
5 6 0 11 0.08% DENNIS KUCINICH
1527 4066 0 5593 43.18% BARACK OBAMA
4 9 0 13 0.10% BILL RICHARDSON
13 25 0 38 0.29%  UNCOMMITTED
2 0 0 2 0.02%  WRITE-IN
VOTES= 9,581       (R) Presidential Candidates VOTE FOR 1
76 32 0 108 1.13% RUDY GIULIANI
615 2070 0 2685 28.02% MIKE HUCKABEE
5 8 0 13 0.14% DUNCAN HUNTER
5 13 0 18 0.19% ALAN KEYES
1282 2487 0 3769 39.34% JOHN MCCAIN
133 332 0 465 4.85% RON PAUL
600 1527 0 2127 22.20% MITT ROMNEY
1 1 0 2 0.02% TOM TANCREDO
306 66 0 372 3.88% FRED THOMPSON
7 14 0 21 0.22%  UNCOMMITTED
0 1 0 1 0.01%  WRITE-IN
VOTES= 26,941       (R) Delegates At Large VOTE FOR 12
0 0 0 0 0.00%  MIKE HUCKABEE
469 1222 0 1691 6.28% Emily G. Beaty
447 1215 0 1662 6.17% Robert Arthur Bennett
382 973 0 1355 5.03% H.E. Bittle III
466 1197 0 1663 6.17% Beth G. Cox
512 1270 0 1782 6.61% Kenny D. Crenshaw
472 1211 0 1683 6.25% Melissa B. Crenshaw
442 1149 0 1591 5.91% Dan L. Hardin
467 1184 0 1651 6.13% Cynthia H. Murphy
437 1112 0 1549 5.75% Deana Persson
481 1218 0 1699 6.31% Eric Ratcliff
384 888 0 1272 4.72% Edna Elaine Saltsman
410 927 0 1337 4.96% John Bruce Saltsman, Sr.
306 707 0 1013 3.76% John "Chip" Saltsman, Jr.
324 667 0 991 3.68% Kari H. Smith
364 840 0 1204 4.47% Michael L. Smith
305 614 0 919 3.41% Windy J. Smith
0 0 0 0 0.00%  JOHN MCCAIN
687 1199 0 1886 7.00% Todd Gardenhire
729 1264 0 1993 7.40% Justin D. Pitt
VOTES= 6,072       (R) Delegates At Large VOTE FOR 12
0 0 0 0 0.00%  RON PAUL
152 308 0 460 7.58% William M. Coats
95 215 0 310 5.11% Garrett Coffer
98 208 0 306 5.04% Jonathan Dimock
117 227 0 344 5.67% Mark Wayne Ernest
101 187 0 288 4.74% Richard Esparza
145 295 0 440 7.25% Sarah Franks
135 273 0 408 6.72% Charles Jackson
142 267 0 409 6.74% Laura Jones
135 227 0 362 5.96% Michael Jones
108 237 0 345 5.68% Michelle R. Lancaster
123 253 0 376 6.19% Justin McCord
120 220 0 340 5.60% Ronald Myers
78 121 0 199 3.28% Matthew Rideout
29 63 0 92 1.52% Mahmood (Michael) Sabri
107 203 0 310 5.11% Cheryl Scott
61 118 0 179 2.95% Joanna C. Simmons
45 83 0 128 2.11% Richard Szczech
74 137 0 211 3.47% Stephen Thurmond
62 107 0 169 2.78% Steven Warhurst
59 99 0 158 2.60% Vincent Whitright
72 166 0 238 3.92% Will Williams
VOTES= 15,916       (R) Delegates At Large VOTE FOR 12
0 0 0 0 0.00%  MITT ROMNEY
416 892 0 1308 8.22% Michael Brant Bell
370 828 0 1198 7.53% Damon Wesley Drake
409 866 0 1275 8.01% Edith B. Hudson
396 855 0 1251 7.86% Michael Patrick Leahy
383 826 0 1209 7.60% Michael R. McCusker
395 862 0 1257 7.90% Rodney C. Miller
390 840 0 1230 7.73% James Moss
390 871 0 1261 7.92% Nancy D. Wells
373 829 0 1202 7.55% Kim Willms
0 0 0 0 0.00%  FRED THOMPSON
286 336 0 622 3.91% Rob Ailey
260 306 0 566 3.56% John W. Bellis
325 401 0 726 4.56% Jim Bryson
301 316 0 617 3.88% Tim Burchett
215 206 0 421 2.65% Steven Buttry
207 201 0 408 2.56% Glen Casada
223 212 0 435 2.73% John Wayne Cropp
232 239 0 471 2.96% Drew Daniel
232 227 0 459 2.88% Bill Gibbons
VOTES= 4,499       (R) Delegates At Large VOTE FOR 12
0 0 0 0 0.00%  FRED THOMPSON
193 138 0 331 7.36% Dolores Gresham
164 130 0 294 6.53% Elizabeth Holiway
209 158 0 367 8.16% Bill Landrum
119 86 0 205 4.56% June Landrum
118 93 0 211 4.69% Tom Leatherwood
94 83 0 177 3.93% Barbara McAndrew
150 160 0 310 6.89% Ron Ramsey
85 59 0 144 3.20% Baker D. Ring
128 102 0 230 5.11% Susan Richardson Williams
106 74 0 180 4.00% Jamie Woodson
0 0 0 0 0.00%  UNCOMMITTED
133 141 0 274 6.09% Renee Danesh
116 121 0 237 5.27% Terri Freels
151 156 0 307 6.82% Jim Fuqua
112 106 0 218 4.85% Lee Dustin Rush
105 112 0 217 4.82% Willard Summers
147 149 0 296 6.58% Mark West
113 122 0 235 5.22% Harold Dean Wilson
126 140 0 266 5.91% Roger W. Griffith
VOTES= 8,011       (R) Delegates 7th District VOTE FOR 3
0 0 0 0 0.00%  MIKE HUCKABEE
225 592 0 817 10.20% Jerry W. Bowen
187 473 0 660 8.24% Tracy G. DeWitt
207 464 0 671 8.38% Stephen Kuhn
165 384 0 549 6.85% Douglas Smith
165 399 0 564 7.04% Melissa Smith
0 0 0 0 0.00%  RON PAUL
92 174 0 266 3.32% William D. Boyer
102 167 0 269 3.36% Amanda Goodall
84 125 0 209 2.61% Michael Goza
38 80 0 118 1.47% Robin Ann Goza
0 0 0 0 0.00%  MITT ROMNEY
266 488 0 754 9.41% Terry Leve
261 494 0 755 9.42% Jacob Ammon Smartt
256 507 0 763 9.52% David J. Snodgrass
0 0 0 0 0.00%  FRED THOMPSON
208 180 0 388 4.84% Steve Allbrooks
133 120 0 253 3.16% Shirley B. Curry
136 98 0 234 2.92% Monty Lankford
103 110 0 213 2.66% Mark Norris
56 52 0 108 1.35% Rieta Selberg
86 93 0 179 2.23% Joseph A. Woodruff
0 0 0 0 0.00%  UNCOMMITTED
105 136 0 241 3.01% Phyllis Ann Streiff
VOTES= 2,218       (R) Delegates 8th District VOTE FOR 3
0 0 0 0 0.00%  MIKE HUCKABEE
101 288 0 389 17.54% Heath Bush
80 246 0 326 14.70% Lucy S. Overstreet
0 0 0 0 0.00%  RON PAUL
24 80 0 104 4.69% Joy A. Bryant
26 77 0 103 4.64% Sam T. Bryant
18 41 0 59 2.66% Aaron R. Kavli
21 39 0 60 2.71% Kevin Riggs
0 0 0 0 0.00%  MITT ROMNEY
77 169 0 246 11.09% Betty G. Anderson
69 157 0 226 10.19% Bobby Dee Anderson
61 160 0 221 9.96% Scott N. Weinert
0 0 0 0 0.00%  FRED THOMPSON
51 67 0 118 5.32% Scott Golden
49 47 0 96 4.33% Mary Littleton
39 40 0 79 3.56% Barbara N. Stegall
34 68 0 102 4.60% Ben J. Thompson
39 50 0 89 4.01% James H. Wallace, Jr.